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Ariane Ruiz Silva - Melanie Obregón Caceres
TV TALENTOS, presentadores y reporteros en 2018:
Celine Morales Lupaca
Fiorella Janampa Martinez
Ariane Ruiz Silva
Yaquelin Coaquira Crispin
Strella Manama Sanchez
Melani Obregón Cáceres
Jhestyn Ojeda Vargas
Thalia Ramos Vega
Cesar Fabian Uchuya Villegas
Hilary Ramirez Castellares
Grecia Reque Guillen
Milagros Ponseca Robles
Sonaly Nonalaya Sanchez
Angely Benites Gonzales
Aleydis Condo Jara
Jimy Yaurivilca Pacheco
Alexander Aliaga Inga
Samantha Sanchez Tirado
Celine Morales - Fiorella Janampa
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